10 Fastest Growing Suburbs of NSW Australia

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Booming localized housing markets often have a ripple effect on surrounding areas, and the strong housing market in Sydney is no different. Home buyers have been fleeing the city to search for properties and along the way, embraced some of what the suburbs have to offer. They’ve rekindled their love of the outdoors in suburbs like Speers Point and Cromer and discovered hidden gems for young families in Leumeah and Ingleburn. Here are 10 of the fastest growing suburbs in NSW, undoubtedly fueled by home buyers who are looking slightly outside of the city limits. For most people, you can’t buy happiness within the city limits, but you probably won’t have to go all that far to find it.10 fastest growing in NSWInfographic Source: http://www.yourmortgage.com.au/article/infographic-of-the-10-fastest-growing-suburbs-of-nsw-217367.aspx


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