10 Places Mould Can Hide In Your Home

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Moulds are the invisible enemies of your family. Living in a mould infested house is very dangerous for the health of your family, along with the condition of your interiors, for not only can it negatively affect your health, it can also visibly damage the interior and furniture. Taking this problem lightly is a mistake you will regret.

One big step to solve this problem is to target the places or parts of the house that are the hotspot for moulds infestation. As a general rule, moulds thrive in dark moist surfaces. As such, you will be surprised to know that moulds can spread to places you never expected.

Before moulds get its toll in your family’s health, it is necessary to solve this health problem and act promptly. In this infographic, AWARE gives you some tips on how to identify whether or not your place is nursing moulds, as well as tips on how to address mould problems inside your house.

Infographic Source: http://aware1.com.au/10-places-mould-can-hide-in-your-home/


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