20 Best & Worst Cities for Seasonal Allergies Infographic

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This list is based on pollen counts, medication use and number of allergists.

Source: The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 2022

Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
Stuffy nose
Runny nose
Watery eyes
Itchy eyes, nose, throat

10 Tips to Prevent and Manage Allergy Symptoms
Take allergy medication before your allergy season begins.
Use a central air conditioner with filter if possible.
Take doctor-recommended medications and treatments consistently.
Use a scarf or mask on windy days.
Change clothes after being outside.
Wash hands, body and hair after being outside & before bed.
Stay inside when allergen levels are high.
Keep car and home windows closed.
Use a saline nasal wash.
Get help with yardwork during your allergy season.

Infographic Source: https://www.nationaljewish.org/conditions/health-information/health-infographics/20-best-worst-cities-for-seasonal-allergies


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