5 Easy Steps to Choosing a Conveyor

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With almost no limit to what conveyors can do and staggering possibilities of system design, selecting the right belt and configuration for your product can be a daunting task. Dorner Conveyors compiled a simple 5 step model in a graphic design to provide some guidance in the decision-making process and answer some frequently asked questions.

To ensure your conveyor is properly designed to fit your specific application and ensure the best return on investment, this graphic details the following factors:

  1. Environmental Influences
  2. Structural Configuration
  3. Size Specifications
  4. Movement
  5. Product Details

In addition to taking you through each step and providing examples of what will work best for certain products in each context, the infographic also breaks down the technical aspects of conveyor systems. When requesting a conveyor belt from a vendor, it’s imperative not to settle for premade systems and ask for a custom built conveyor instead. But in order to communicate your needs you must first become familiar with the various technical components of a conveyor and understand exactly what will benefit your product.

This graphic reviews six different conveyor design types—z-frame, pacing conveyors, vacuum conveyors, backlit conveyors, metal-free conveyors, and pivot conveyors—explaining their function as well as what context they’re best suited for. The three most common motor mounts, mount, top mount, and bottom mount, as well as various accessories are also discussed, providing a comprehensive overview of the multiple ways conveyors can be customized to suit your exact needs.

For a simple, educational guide on how to choose the best conveyor for your product, check out Dorner’s latest infographic.Steps to Choosing a Conveyor

Infographic Source: http://www.dornerconveyors.com/News-Blog/Learn/Five-Easy-Steps-to-Choosing-a-Conveyor.aspx


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