7 Cool Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Cloud Storage

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(Last Updated On: November 11, 2016)

We all associate the CLOUD with syncing and backing up files and data, but long before all this, the Cloud was a business tool years ago. During the 1990’s, one of the earliest to use the cloud in automating paycheck deductions was the ADP Payroll Service. The cloud has contributed to the growth of a number of companies and businesses for they don’t need to have their own infrastructure to store data anymore. Another reason for its great service is its flexibility for fluctuating bandwidth requirements of businesses. Moreover, companies spend less capital expense because they don’t need to purchase hardware for cloud computing.

For users, there are a number of great things that free cloud storage can give you now with the continuous updates and features of consumer cloud apps. You just have to be creative and snoop around your cloud app to know the way around cloud storage.

This infographic from Doc -Safe will give you 7 cool things you don’t know you can do with cloud storage.

Infographic Source: 7 Cool Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Cloud Storage


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