7 Luxury Kitchen Upgrades to Wow Your Holiday Guests Infographic

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Making improvements to your kitchen gives you better control over your kitchen space and the ability to fit in more features. You can install a larger sink, slide-out shelves for easy access to items, or an island with an additional countertop workspace. Making smart decisions about which upgrades to pursue can save you time and money while creating a luxurious look. For instance, if you’re looking to save money, you might opt for energy-efficient lighting that uses LED bulbs instead of traditional incandescent ones. LEDs use up to 80 percent less energy than regular light bulbs and last much longer, saving you money on your electricity bills in the long run. Other luxury kitchen upgrades can help boost your home’s value dramatically.

Dual-fuel range and touchless faucet can instantly elevate any kitchen. Granite countertops are another attractive option that holds up well to the heat of hot pots and pans, making them an ideal choice for anyone who loves to cook. Finally, custom cabinets or pull-outs make it easy to store bulky items like mixers, food processors, and blenders. With a custom storage solution, you can easily access your cooking essentials without occupying too much space or leaving everything cluttered on the countertops.

Whether you’re looking for ways to save money or want to make an impression on holiday guests, plenty of luxury kitchen upgrades will fit your budget and enhance the look of your home. Consider which upgrades make the most sense for your kitchen, and prepare for the holiday guests with your stunning and functional space.

Infographic Source: https://homeremodelpro.com/7-luxury-kitchen-upgrades-to-wow-your-holiday-guests/


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