Fireproof Your Business

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The results of a fire can leave a business with many significant costs. Destroyed assets, ruined stock and decimated premises all cost huge amounts of time and money to comeback from. In fact, many businesses aren’t able to recover from a workplace fire at all. With companies and lives being at risk, it’s important that managers, workers and health & safety officers take fire safety as serious as possible.

This infographic presents statistics provided by the UK government to show what some of the most common causes of business fires are as well as offering advice on how they can be avoided. While many people may be aware that a workplace fire may be caused by electrical faults, it is less well known that there are fire suppression systems that can react to these fires and put them out before they get a chance to grow and cause major damage. Similarly, while many business owners may be aware that arson is a risk, they may have not considered all the security measures that could be implemented to help prevent it.

Be sure to read the infographic below for more workplace fire safety and prevention tips and consider how you can save your business from the devastating consequences of a fire.

Source : Infographic Source:


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