How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App Like Instagram?

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When was the last time you made a selfie and posted it on Instagram? I bet, not long time ago. Well, me too:). Isn’t it the best evidence of the enormous popularity of this app? The number of Instagram followers is impressive and I’m sure there is more to come.

It is no wonder that many people think of trying their hands at social media app creation and reaching the level of Instagram. To this end, the question of cost of such projects steps forward.

“How much do I need to invest in the app like Instagram?” you ask. Good news: we have tried to answer this question.

To start the calculation, try to list all the functions which are going to be included into your app. After that, specify the time needed for their development.

Next, find the team which will bring your project to life. Pay attention, you have a risk to overpay in case you hire a team from the USA or Western Europe. However, developers from Eastern Europe could do the same job for fairly less money.

The final move requires considering extra costs. Include them to the total sum and get the final value to pay.

For more detailed information, refer to the scheme below.    how_to_create_an_app_like_instagram

Infographic Source:


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