Pre-Selling vs RFO Units: A Buyer’s Guide

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(Last Updated On: May 11, 2017)

Buying a new house and lot or a condo unit is a huge and a life-changing decision. It involves a lot of moving, countless adjustments, and more importantly, a considerable amount of money. Hence, before pulling out your wallet, it is wise to know what options you have first.

Fortunately, the booming real estate market in the Philippines has made way for more affordable and flexible rates for house and lots and condo units. This makes the decision to invest in your new home easier to make. Unfortunately, with developers all offering competitive rates, it’s harder to decide which house and lot or unit to invest your life savings in.

Two questions wise future home-buyers commonly ask is how pre-selling and RFO units differ, and which is a better investment. Well, the answer can depend on various factors such as your needs, budget, and investment appetite to name a few. Some may need a unit that is ready for occupancy, while others may find pre-selling a more amenable investment. To guide you in determining which investment is best for you, Avida created an infographic that illustrates the difference between pre-selling and RFO units.

Infographic Source:


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