There are many, many factors that go into having a really effective, business generating website. For a start, you need a reliable web hosting package that will ensure good levels of performance like fast page loading speed. A slow loading page is one of the top reasons for people leaving a website. Another big cause of people leaving websites is if they are a mobile user and they visit a site that isn’t mobile friendly.
Did you know that 55% of website traffic is now from mobile users? So if you have a website that isn’t mobile friendly, you are probably losing out on a large number of conversions. Your website must impress visitors and persuade them that your business is the one to go to. People will not be impressed if they visit your site and find that it isn’t mobile friendly.
Check out this infographic from Top 10 Website Hosting titled The Importance of a Responsive Website. You might be surprised to find that 67% of mobile users say that when they visit a mobile friendly site, they are more likely to buy a product or service. So as you can see, having a responsive site will go a long way in terms of winning more business.
Of course there are other important considerations such as the quality of the content on your website, the layout and positioning of your content and also how effective your email campaigns and other marketing channels are. But no matter how much work you put into all of these other areas, if you are frustrating your website users with a site that isn’t mobile friendly, you are much less likely to turn your visitors into customers.