What Is CJIS And What Does It Mean For Messaging Vendors

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To ensure that the law protects online information against criminality, it employs a specialized unit tasked with watching internet activity at all times. One division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Criminal Justice Information System or CJIS, watches over these online criminal activities. And with messaging vendors being the primary entity when it comes to sending and receiving critical online records through online messaging, working together with CJIS and complying with its strict security standards to monitor internet traffic is a must. CJIS’s Security Policy comprising of 12 security areas, protects messaging vendors, along with other organizations that provide criminal justice files, helping them keep up with the updated security protocols that help in tracking down online criminals and help promote a secure assembly of cybersecurity networks. Want to know more about CJIS and its duties? Check this infographic created and designed by TeleMessage:

Infographic Source: https://www.telemessage.com/what-is-cjis-and-what-does-it-mean-for-messaging-vendors/


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