What Makes a Good Streamer

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To say that streaming has grown in popularity in recent years is an understatement. By 2028, it is projected to be worth $4.26 Billion according to Bloomberg while others are projecting more. In 2021, Twitch, the biggest streaming platform today, averaged two billion watch hours per month. 44% of people also reported watching less TV due to streaming from an IAB report. With the industry’s unprecedented growth many companies are trying to transition into offering live streaming services. Individuals like celebrities have also been trying to get a piece of the pie through live online concerts, vlogs, shopping, and other formats. But native streamers or those who are primarily known as streamers are still the biggest winners and will likely continue to dominate these platforms since they have already nailed down the formula of creating engaging live streaming content that gets hundreds of thousands of views every month. While there are already a lot of established streamers, it’s never too late to become an online celebrity as well. The likes of Pokimane, Ninja, and Shroud are relatively new streamers as compared to those who started in the 2010’s and now they are considered as part of the most recognized streamers globally. If you are looking to become a successful streamer in a short amount of time, you have to decipher the formula of these top streamers. You can start by reading this infographic we created that discusses the equipment, chosen platform, categories, and characteristics of the most successful streamers in 2021.

Infographic Source: https://www.fluxpanda.com/blog/good-streamer


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