10 Benefits of Regular Acupuncture Treatments

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In the U.S., 40 million adults battle anxiety, 20 percent experience extreme stress, and 50 million suffer from nasal allergies. One of the oldest practices in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture reduces the symptoms associated with these and other ailments without the use of drugs or the risk of serious side effects when performed by a trained licensed professional. This infographic explores a handful of the several physical and emotional benefits that regular acupuncture offers, along with its growing popularity. With over 50,000 licensed acupuncturists practicing across the U.S., including those at Portland natural medicine clinics, it’s simpler than ever to access effective integrative therapies.Acupuncture-Treatment-Benefits

Infographic Source:  http://heartspringhealth.com/2016/03/portland-acupuncture-benefits/


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