20 Essential Tips for a Safe and Stress-free Undas

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Undas is the season when you can take a moment to commemorate and honor your loved ones who departed from this life. It only comes once a year so it is important that you observe this holiday. During this time, it is part of the Filipino culture to visit the gravesites and offer prayers and flowers as a tribute to the dead.

Along with the heartfelt cemetery visits and solemn prayers, long trips and crowded cemeteries will most likely fill your All Soul’s Day celebrations. This is the time when several people travel back to their towns and provinces. This means that you need to do immense preparations in securing your home, staying safe on the road and even observing proper etiquette inside the cemeteries. Your safety should be the top priority. Otherwise, you will end up facing holiday stress and danger. To help keep you secured and ready to beat the Undas rush, here are 20 essential tips that you need to remember.

Infographic Source: https://www.flowerpatchdelivery.com/blog/tips-safe-stress-free-undas/


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