2018 Recruitment Trends According to Experts

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We’ve seen the tremendous growth of social media in the past year, and how it shaped a variety of industries like recruitment.

One good example of this is the rise of social hiring or using social media to find information on potential job candidates as an effective way for recruiters to find talent that is fit for job positions.

Despite its huge influence, social media is but one of the many technological advancements that have shaped and continue to shape the recruitment and HR industry.

Artificial intelligence (AI), another technology that’s expected to see a rapid rise this year, is also predicted to become more integrated into the hiring process to make it more seamless and less discriminating.

Aside from social media and AI, there will be many more game-changers that will shake the recruitment and hiring industry this 2018. If you want to be prepared, check out the infographic below to learn about these trends and how you can adapt to the times.

Infographic Source: https://manilarecruitment.com/manila-recruitment-articles-advice/2018-recruitment-trends-according-experts/


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