50 Best Foods for Healthier & More Beautiful Skin

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If you want to get healthier and more youthful skin, you can cut your budget on skincare products and invest more on healthier and more balanced diet. That’s right, healthy foods can actually do wonders for your skin, something you wouldn’t believe balanced diet can give you. Not only can it give you healthy and revitalized skin, healthy foods will also give you your desired figure.

As there are a lot of “healthy” foods in the market, you might get overwhelmed and not know which food to eat. That being said, the first thing you should do is to know which food is best for your skin concerns. This is essential because there are healthy foods that can be bad for people with oily skin, or for those with acne-prone skin.

To get you all started, dr. dream prepared this rundown of 50 great tasting and healthy food for your skin.

Infographic Source: https://www.drdream.com.au/skin-care/50-best-foods-healthier-beautiful-skin/


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