How to Stop These 16 Biases That Can Influence Your Hiring Decision

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Over the years, companies have made concrete actions to correct their hiring process by removing biases. They are now keener in focusing on what attributes of the applicant truly affect the growth and success of the company. Crucial factors such as skills, strengths, and overall maturity to fit in the company’s culture are being highlighted more than ever.

In line with that, companies have started to utilize technology such as Artificial Intelligence and automated screening tools to finally put the biases at bay. Whether the bias is conscious or unconscious, recruitment technologies can detect and eliminate it immediately in the hiring process.

This infographic by ThisWay Global shows the different types of biases that influence hiring. From beauty bias to the ostrich effect, know how each type is seen in the real world. Also, learn the specific steps on how to remove these biases in recruitment for a more diverse and inclusive hiring process.

Infographic Source:


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