Having quality leads from your online and offline channels is extremely crucial to run a successful business. Without leads, you will never be able to produce sales. And without sales, your business will not survive, no matter how much capital you raise.
Some salespeople think that generating new sales leads only require cold calling as many people or businesses as possible until they strike luck. However, an experienced salesperson knows that purely cold calling and meeting people is a flawed tactic. You could generate leads using this technique, but the volume of quality leads would not be substantial.
But thanks to new online platforms, this is no longer the case. The popularity of what is known now as an inbound lead generation has made it easy to target and acquire ideal leads efficiently and effectively, even for start-up businesses and solo entrepreneurs.
To learn how you can use inbound lead generation strategy in your business, check this great infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines.
Infographic Source: http://digitalmarketingphilippines.com/inbound-lead-generation-checklist-infographic/
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