When it comes to the listing of the ‘bests’ and ‘ranking’, the casino industry is full of exciting details and information. For example, the country with the highest spending, United States take the lead, spending $116.9 billion, clearly ahead of Japan, China and Italy. Sure, most online casinos today restrict US players, but its brick and mortar casinos are thriving, powering its economy, and providing the players with their entertainment fix.
In terms of per capita spent (or how much an average player spends in casino) Australia takes the lead, with $990, outspending the United States, Finland, Ireland and Singapore. And the world’s largest ‘gambling mecca’, Macau is seriously ahead, thanks to posh casinos and hotels. But there’s another critical and exciting statistic that is sure to appeal to industry watchers and players – the number of casinos per capita. This time, casinos per capita focus on the number of casinos ranged against the population, which should give us an idea as to the popularity of gaming in that part of the world. The information and the results of this exercise may surprise you. Here, we rank the top 7 countries in Europe with the highest number of casinos per capita, and you’ll be surprised at the countries that are included in the list.
Infographic Source: HitCasinoBonus infographic