The Reasons Why Drivers Are Distracted

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Vehicle collision is one factor leads to cause of injuries and death in America. Wherein, there are approximately age group related to distracted driving like: – Teens are the largest age group affected – Distracted driving is cited as the caused by 58% of teen crashes – Car crashes are the no.1 killer of teens – 16-19 years old are 3x as likely to be killed in a crash.

The infographic illustrates us about the typical reasons why people are distracted. Smartphones are used for better connection between you and your family. It becomes a mode of communication like every person has. However, wrongly use of a smartphone can cause a disturbance. You can ask someone with you to answer phone calls and texts. You can reach your destination safely if you manage to drive without distraction.

Staying up with focus will keep the family safe while driving. We should learn to stop doing extra things unless doing it before driving.

Infographic Source:


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