To Eat or To Keep: The Shelf Life of Your Favourite Foods

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What kind of eater are YOU? Are you the health-conscious who never misses to pack a daily serving of salads and oats for work? Or are you the “couldn’t care less” type who eats whatever will satisfy your hunger at the moment? Whichever group you’re in, you need to have an idea of the shelf life of your favourite foods so you can enjoy them at their best quality.

For the healthy eaters, that means preparing ahead of time and making sure that your salad doesn’t go untouched within two hours – unless you’re into stale Caesar salads. Coffee is another staple among professionals and office workers, yet its shelf life is often overestimated. If you want to enjoy coffee’s premium taste, then make sure to consume coffee within four to six hours after it’s brewed. Check out the infographic below for the full list of shelf life of common foods.

Infographic Source:


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