Top 25 Pinball Machines Ever Made

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A personal favorite of many, Pinball Machines is still one of the most classic forms of gaming and entertainment in our time today. Even though it has become trivial for quite some time (which actually led to its brief interlude), the effect it brought is undeniable and is actually evident in modern forms of gaming. Despite the emergence of video game consoles, online computer games and mobile applications, we can’t discount the fact the old-school style of amusements will always trump contemporary forms of entertainment. Still not convinced? Just take a look at this infographic by  Pinball Sales Australia, the Sole Importer and Distributor of Jersey Jack Pinball Machines for Sale in Melbourne, about the Top 25 Pinball Machines Ever Made and take a trip down memory lane and see the rich evolution of pinball machines from the day it became popular to today’s modern art form of the classic gaming.Pinball-MachinesInfographic Source:


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