When buying a new car, most people pay an extra for the car insurance so that they won’t have to pay for damages themselves in case an accident occurs. They know accidents on the road are inevitable and happen in the most unexpected of times. If you think your car is valuable enough to be insured, then why haven’t you insured your life yet? After all, our lives are far more precious than a machine. When a car breaks, you can simply save up to buy a new one, but when you get sick because of a rare illness or meet an untimely accident that prevents you from doing work, the consequences are much, much worse — not only to you, but also to the ones you love. That’s why getting life insurance should be one of your priorities. This infographic gives a brief description of the three types of insurance you need namely life, health, and disability insurance. Read on to learn more.
Infographic Source: https://www.bpi-philam.com/en/bancassurance/finance-and-insurance/types-of-insurance-you-need-in-your-life-infographic.html
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