Weekly Infographic: 99+ Useful Retargeting Statistics Every Marketer Should Know

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The online shopping experience can be daunting for many consumers. Only 2% of shoppers who convert on their first encounter with an ecommerce site ever return to make additional purchases, according to Adroll! It’s not uncommon to take six visits before customers feel comfortable making significant purchasing decisions. This timeline may depend on how well you communicate your products and services through storytelling techniques and proven practical ways to get potential buyers hooked. Retargeting is an innovative marketing strategy that allows companies to target potential customers who have visited their website but did not convert into leads. This means you can follow these people across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices! The average global company uses retargeting in 33% of its campaigns.

The following infographic is courtesy of DigitalMarketingJobs.io, providing some incredible numbers related to Retargeting. It explores the importance of getting retargeted and how giving someone another chance can make all the difference in your first impression!

Infographic Source: http://www.pagetrafficbuzz.com/weekly-infographic-99-useful-retargeting-statistics-every-marketer-should-know/26588/


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