Who Are America’s Toilet Texters?

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A new study shows 88% of Android users and 76% iOS users can’t answer to the call of nature without their phones. The study by the US gadget recycler, BankMyCell, reveals that smartphone addiction cuts across all generations, genders, and locations. However, the generation Z and Generation Y users are the most affected. According to the study, 90% of Generation Y, otherwise known as millennials, won’t go to the toilet without their phones. 96% of generation Z phone users held the same opinion. Only 11% silent generation users have the habit.

BankMyCell surveyed 2,114 people in the United States between June 1 and August 31, 2018. In the case of gender, more men, at 80%, than women, at 69%, bring their phone to the toilet, age notwithstanding. In terms of location, New York, California, and Georgia take the lead. It’s worth noting that the gadgets themselves are not addictive. It is the content, including apps, videos, and games, that makes them addictive. However, people’s behaviors are different while on the porcelain pedestal. Most people use their social media apps, at 54%, while videos seem to be least popular in the bathroom, at 38%. Moreover, the iPhone trade-in site reveals that 10% of men confessed to swiping on dating apps while doing their bathroom business and one in three women admitted to sending a snap while in the toilet.

Unfortunately, most people remember to clean their hands after visiting the restroom but forget to clean their phone, exposing themselves to health risks. Only 16% actually clean their phones plus their hands compared to 90% that clean only their hands. Apple and Google have developed tools that are geared toward curbing smartphone addiction, such as Digital Health and Screen Time. You can use the tools to track and control the amount of time you spend on your phone. However, few users have found these tools helpful.

Infographic Source: https://www.bankmycell.com/blog/cell-phone-usage-in-toilet-survey


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