If you think that divorce can magically fix abuse, think again. It is not a quick fix but can increase the abuse the child experiences when the abuser keeps custody or gains visitation rights. But that doesn’t mean it’s completely hopeless. An experienced family divorce lawyer can help you make sure that child abuse is stopped as soon as possible and will not continue after the divorce. If you suspect a child is being abused, neglected, molested, or mistreated, notify the child protective service or local police. It is your responsibility regardless of what your relation to the child is.
Professional and early intervention is the best way to ensure the child’s safety. Some people, including parents, often hesitate to act when their child is being abused because of several reasons. They could be concerned the suspicion is wrong or they may feel protective of the abuser. While these are normal concerns, they are not an excuse for inaction. Look out for signs of abuse, such as frequent bruising, not wanting to go home, avoiding being with others, and more. Don’t believe the child abuse and divorce myth, which says that the child abuse allegations that emerge at the time of the divorce are believed to be a weapon to gain an advantage in the marital wars. A divorce lawyer can help you figure out everything, including an uncontested and no-fault divorce. They can give you a hand and ensure the safety of the child from the abuser.
Infographic Source: https://divorceattorneyut.com/will-divorce-stop-my-kids-from-getting-abused/
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