World’s Top and Unusual Data Centers

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A warehouse of unintelligible things. Data centers can’t seem to muster interest from any of us. Data centers are merely cold room filled with racks, wires and tinee-tiny blinks of lights. But there is no denying that their importance and relevance to modern cyberage is utterly crucial.

We breathe data. And thanks to data centers, we have uninterrupted supply of clean data. Surfing the web, banking through mobile phones, and using the GPS when driving are only some of the good things this boring megastructure is providing us–uninterruptedly.

On this list, we will get to know about the top and the most unusual data center facilities in the planet. Learn more about the greenest, coldest, and biggest data center facilities in this infographic from INOC, the leader in outsourced NOC services.

Infographic Source:


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