A Safe and Eco-friendly Checklist to Winterize Your Home

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You know that winter is fast approaching when homeowners start to inspect their properties and conduct structure maintenance in preparation for the cold season. Winterizing the home has become part of the yearly routine of many people in temperate zones.

It’s basically like prepping your home for the holidays where you fix decorative pieces on the wall; the difference is that this isn’t more of an option. It is necessary to weatherproof your structure in order since the frigid temperature can bring about potential harm. What’s worse is that you might end up paying more for damages and excessive energy use if you fail to weatherproof your property.

To properly winterize your home, you’ll have to install insulation systems in areas that are prone to exposure to cold temperatures, such as your furnace, windows, and doors. The goal is to keep the warm air in and prevent the cold temperature from creeping inside the home. To help you achieve that, check-out this infographic that provides safe and eco-friendly methods in winterizing your home.

Infographic Source: http://blog.lugbilldesigns.com/safe-eco-friendly-checklist-winterize-home/


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